A film about the founder of the Austrian School of Economics and its beginnings
Carl Menger
and the beginnings of the Austrian School of Economics

Watch the trailer!
150th anniversary of Carl Menger’s “Principles of Economics”
We are making the film in celebration of the 150th anniversary of publishing the “Principles of Economics” – a Carl Menger’s work which paved the way for the Austrian School of Economics. The film will be 75 minutes long. We are shooting in Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, and France.
The story concentrates on two levels. The first one is the historical one: Carl Menger’s life. The second is the story of people rediscovering him. The historical level helps us understand how Menger built the system, what influenced him on his way, and how he changed the reality. The contemporary level tells us if Menger’s ideas are still present and what can be done using the tools that were not available to him.

Why it is worth engaging in the project?
Let's comemorate and promote one the most outstanding economists in the history. We would not be able to benefit from the Austrian School of Economics and its achievements, if not for Menger and the intellectual and institutional environment he created.
We are able to create a film, which, thanks to the open access and English subtitles will be watched all over the world.
We will show how the intellectual sources which helped economics get to the next level and how the Central Europe's cultural climate affected Menger's and his successors' way of thinking.
It is an excellent opportunity to promote the Austrian School of Economics. Through the audiovisual materials which gain a lot of importance, we will reach out to the new viewers.

Menger’s great vision
Help us celebrate a man of a great vision. Carl Menger put human needs at the centre of economics. He valued people of action and opposed state old privileges. He believed he could change the reality and acted to do so – among others as a teacher of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Despite the strong opposition against his discoveries, he was not afraid to speak up and fight for the truth – for the timeless foundation of economics.

Archduke Rudolf Habsburg
Carl Menger – support the promotion of our documentary!
Thanks to the generosity of over 150 donors, we have already raised PLN 125,986.
We have reached the goal of 120,000! Work on the film about Carl Menger is at a very advanced level – as of today, we are around the year 1890, far behind the admitted half of the film.
Thank you to all the donors! Some have donated the collection several times. We managed to reach the 120,000 threshold! We know very well that just making a film about Carl Menger is not enough to bring the character sufficiently closer. We know that the film needs promotion. We are setting our next target – PLN 150,000!
This amount will help cover the film’s production costs and organise a promotional campaign.
49 %
100 %
Donation amount
Prizes and limit of donors
10 $
in gratitude, the name of the donor will be placed forever on carlmenger.pl/en
Limit of people: NONE
50 $
Above +
limited pre-release screening (stream) with director’s commentary
Limit of people: NONE
200 $
All of the above +
Donor’s name in the credits
Limit of people: NONE
The creation of the film has already been donated by:
Bartosz Baranowski
Piotr Stanisław Wajda
Fundacja Fizycznej Ekonomii
Marek Górecki
Bartosz Jakusz
Tomasz Kłosiński
Grzegorz Kołat
Jerzy Osiński
Tomasz Piotrów
Rafał Prost
Łukasz Szostak
Dariusz Szumiło
Dawid Topczewski
Bartłomiej Widlarz
and also:
Emil Banasiak
Skarbimir Bejmert
Tomasz Berendt
Piotr Bigaj
Tomasz Borecki
Dariusz Bujar
Kinga Burgiel
Szymon Celak
Franciszek Choromański
Łukasz Chrząszcz
Robert Ciborowski
Marcin Ciszczoń
Izabela Czaja
Mateusz Czyżniewski
Krzysztof Derejski
Jacek Diehl
Mateusz Duszewski
Janusz Dutkiewicz
Bartosz Dziewa
Radosław Dziki
Jakub Gietka
Karol Grodzicki
Mariusz Grunt
Michał Gutowski
Wojciech Hautz
Łukasz Horodecki
Konrad Jackowski
Konrad Janiec
Piotr Jurecki
Piotr Jurowicz
Jakub Juszczak
Paweł Kaptur
Jan Kosmala
Maciej Kościelniak
Karol Krajewski
Michał Kresak
Krzysztof Krzaczkowski
Filip Lech
Michał Leniowski
Jakub Ligęza
Szymon Łągiewka
Wojciech Łopuszański
Konrad Łopuszyński
Damian Łuszcz
Marek Magdoń
Kornelia Majerska
Kacper Malec
Marian Małek
Bartłomiej Mazurek
Dawid Megger
Paweł Młynarek
Michał Muźnierowski
Łukasz Nieroda
Roman Niestrój
Paweł Nowak
Maciej Nowakowski
Paweł Nowakowski
Wojciech Ochała
Daniel Patryn
Andrzej Pawlak
Władysław Pęksa
Marcin Pietrosiński
Karol Piszczek
Miłosz Pracowity
Grzegorz Prondziński
Marcin Raburski
Tomasz Raciborski
Tomasz Rawski
Adrian Rodriguez-Lovera
Diego Ruiz
Krzysztof Rusnarczyk
Paweł Samoraj
Bartek Sikorski
Szymon Skrzypczak
Arkadiusz Sobiech
Krzysztof Stańkowski
Jakub Stefanowski
Zbigniew Stetkiewicz
Krystian Sycz
Paweł Synowiec
Piotr Szafruga
Karol Szczerbiński
Roman Szczykutowicz
Piotr Szewc
Krzysztof Szymański
Michał Szymczuk
Paweł Tkocz
Jakub Tokarz
Mariusz Tomiak
Michał Torbiński
Dawid Walas
Tomasz Waszczyk
Marcin Wieloch
Jacek Wierzbicki
Karol Więckowski
Adam Witkowski
Tomasz Wojtasik
Marcin Woźniak
Jakub Zaborowski
Kacper Zakrzewski
Przemysław Ziemba
Romuald Żochowski
Dariusz Żychliński
Let’s repay the debt of gratitude!
As a Polish Mises Institute we owe a lot to Carl Menger. We would not be here if not for his accomplishments and his attitude to life. Thanks to his Principles of Economics Ludwig von Mises studied economics. Menger’s student, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk was Mises’ mentor.
We owe Carl Menger a debt of gratitude and want to repay it through this film. We believe that with our friends’ support we will make it happen.
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